Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dancing Fool

         Almost one year after Ava's dance solo, I get a random email that this is my last chance to purchase action pics that were taken at the competition. Not the greatest ever pictures, but they were only $4 for a 5x7, and I did not yet have my new amazing camera yet. So I thought, why not?

         This year Ava signed up for a cheer babes class and tumbling. The cheer class was small from the get go, but after only three months, Ava is the last "man" standing. Everyone has dropped the class, and her teacher is sweet enough to continue teaching Ava solo lessons for the same price. So here we are getting ready for our next solo. It still amazes me that this little gal is willing to get up there all by herself and shake her thing in front of so many people!She will be performing on Friday, April 29th at Roy High School. I will not have a time until about one or two weeks before, but anyone is welcome to come. For those of you who can't, I will be posting my own fab pics and a video.