Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ava Christmas Program

She did great. It was fun to watch and she felt very fancy in her High School Musical flashing robe!


Sheryl said...

Where's the program?

Ang said...

You are such a sick tease my friend!

Sheryl said...

FINALLY! The videos have appeared, and I have to say it was well worth the wait. That was fanstic. What an adorable program. I can't believe that you got all that on tape. The hoola-hooping was classic and that kid that had to pee! What a hoot!

If there is ever another program that I don't hear about until after it is over, I will beat you within a half inch of your life!

Denise said...

That is too cute! So that one kid bailed out of there cause he had to pee? Thank god he didn't pull a Fergie!!!

Ang said...

Super Star! Way cute, the programs at that age are so fun to watch because they are either super shy or totally outgoing and no matter what absolutely darling.

Steph Thompson said...

I personally liked the reindeer rap best. I just wouldn't want to be the one to clean up the pee!

Anonymous said...

Thats so cute!!!!

good job Ava love ya.

Jen said...

Great Christmas concert! I loved every minute of it.

Grandmajoann said...

What a star! Wow what a lot of songs for little ones to learn. They did a great job, and if we couldn't be there, this was a great way to share it with all of us. Thanks. Good job Ava

Sheryl said...

Ok, I have just watched this for the 100th time, and it is still freaking adorable.

But, I am needing something new. I want to see your house. :-(

iMzOOL said...

steph--thought you could get away from me. this is your favorite cousin michelle. i cannot believe how big ava is. she is beautiful, you are beautiful. wish i could have seen you during christmas. hope you are doing well--you deserve it.