Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Zoo

I am a little behind on posting, but we took the girls to the Hogle Zoo last week. What a treat! I 0have come to the conclusion that the zoo is home to every rude idiot, and or mutant in Utah or visiting! Unfortunately we did not see any polygamists, this was a first from my previous zoo visits!
First of all let me just take the chance of sounding like Craiger for a moment, and say that taking five people anywhere is too expensive! By the time you pay for admission, the train, the new carousel, and of course rent a wagon, you are into the day over $60. I also forgot to mention that they did get a McDonald's happy meal on the way to the zoo. So the great part about all of this, is that when you tell them that getting to come was the fun thing that we got to do today, they through a diva size fit that it's not going to be a toy buying day!

This is the new carousel ride. New excitement to the Hogle Zoo never stops!
The only animal excitement that we did get to witness was at the giraffes. P.S. for those of you who recall the handicap giraffe, he is no longer there! There is no mention of his whereabouts, long live handirafee if he is not already dead! But, as we stood in front of the giraffes for a couple of minutes, one walked all of the way across the pen to pee directly in front of us! I have never smelt anything quite like it, and I hope to never get that close of a shot again!

We did try to put the kids to work at one point and make them pull their own lasted for less than three feet. We decided that from now on they are big enough to walk or they are not big enough to go. The harsh reality of becoming a big kid!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun i went to our zoo and it is really boring the hogle zoo is much better! except the polar bear did get in the water, which i didnt see! but the giraffs here just like the brick wall! i guess its better than peeing right in front of u!

love ya

Sheryl said...

Well, since I was there to witness the aftermath of the zoo visit I am not sure it was as much fun as the pictures make it look. You do look like you had a good time while you were there. (Except maybe that pic of Ashlyn and daddy)

I know for a fact those were 5 exhausted people at the end of the day. It's true it is expensive to take that many people on an excursion, so I do applaud you for being willing to feed them.

Ang said...

Long live the toy buying day! Oh , sweet Jesus, I love it. Ungrateful little mongrel" have to entertain them somehow but it does just get to be such a joke and a hassle more times than not.

I have been feeling so guilty all week that I have been so neglectful but at some point don't they just need to entertain themselves???

Nate said...

Steph...I have connections at the zoo...the guy I fly with is on the board of directors, so I will get to the bottom of the capper giraffe.

I know how you feel when it comes to feeding and entertaining 5 mouths (the 5th one only weighs 10 lbs., but she is equally as expensive). When I take our family anywhere we only eat twice a day..they don't need lunch!!

You should relish the "toy buying" day at their age because you can usually buy them off with $5 or $10. When they get Lex and Liv's age it takes a whole lot MORE!!!

Steph Thompson said...

I would appreciate knowing what happened to handiraffe! Do not let baby's size fool you when it comes to eating....especially people food! It is hard to imagine a zoo worse than hogle, although they have made some improvements! Ash was scared and pissed about the carousel and daddy never looks as happy when he smiles and tries to cover his teeth, I'm still working on that. As far as fun goes, those kids are the masters at posing for pics! Toy buying day is my worst nightmare! $5-$10 would be nice, but you have to take in inflation since your kids were that age!

Jen said...

Nate, your comment about not letting your family eat lunch when you are on an outing sounds even more like Craig than your comments about spread sheets and enjoying the resort. When we went on family vacations as a kid he was always trying to starve us. As I recall, it just made us whiny and miserable, which in turn made him angry and miserable. Pack some peanut butter sandwiches, for crying out loud!

I too would enjoy any update you coud get for us on handiraffe. He was always the main attraction for us at the zoo.

Steph, if you want to be more like your father you can't just complain about the expense, you have to chart it in a spread sheet!

Nate said...

Believe me Jen..everytime we go on vacation I offer Ang and the girls meals about six times a day because I know Ang is still traumatized by only being allowed to eat when her father was hungry!!!

I try to cover my "Craiger" ways in jokes...but believe me; the similarities are not lost and scare me on a daily basis!!!

Denise said...

Nate is the endless Craiger connection.

Steph tell Bryan he has great teeth and not to be an IDIOT!!!

I have children please.

Nate said...

Handicap Giraffe Update!!!

I've talked to the Chairman of the Board of the Zoo...and he was at the zoo two weeks ago and the capper giraffe was still there!!!

He assures me that it is still there and there is nothing to worry about!!!

Jen said...

Thanks, Nate. I'm glad to know that handiraffe is alive and well.

Sheryl said...

Nate, ask him to send you a pic of handiraffe. We need proof, and some of us have never seen him.

Steph Thompson said...

I am not convinced as I did not see handiraffe for myself! I would also like to know what is wrong with him. Long live the Craiger similarities! I will be making a spreadsheet as well as a graph for next time so I can run stats on the two zoo trips!