Saturday, August 16, 2008

Other Random News

To start off with, I am aware that I have been slacking, nothing like my sister Jo, yet still slacking. I have been in Purgatory! Yes, it is dinner workshop time at work again. During dinner workshop time I get to work 12-13 hour days with no overtime! Isn't that illegal you ask, well yes it is! To make it even better, our first workshop was last Thursday, Thursday happens to be payday as well, we got done with the dinner workshop (where keep in mind, us employees do not get to eat dinner) and he informs us that we will not be getting our paychecks today, because there is not enough money in the account! I did not get paid until the following Tuesday, but since we had a dinner workshop that night as well, I did not get to deposit my paycheck because I worked from 7:30 am to 8:30 pm. Mikey is a real gem! On the third workshop night he yelled at me for not bringing the extension cord, which we did not use the previous two dinners - at the same restaurant, so he told me I was irresponsible. I asked him what he would like me to do - as the cord was not imperative to operation, and he told me that he hoped I learned from my mistakes, I could have cost him the entire workshop with my negligence! Aren't you all jealous of my boss!

The first day off after all of this I got to take poor tiny to a random pediatrician for her kindergarten shots which I was told that she didn't need this year, as she is going to private kindergarten early, only to learn one week before school that she does need them. Since everyone is getting theirs at the last minute, and also football physicals....I took the only office that could get her in. To my pleasant surprise, the doctor was great with her and I will choose her in the future. To my bad, I had to make a deal with Ava that if she was brave, I would be brave. She chose to make me hold the snake at Eric's clinic. Have I mentioned I hate snakes!This is the closest I came to actually "holding" the snake. I swear to you I was nauseous and my eyes were tearing up! There may or may not have been a puddle of pee at my feet, you'll never know! Luckily it sufficed Ava! To show me up she put the snake in her basket and tried to skate it around the clinic until Eric put a stop to her fun!

The highlights of that day at the clinic did come in the form of puppies that were just a few hours old. They do make you want one for just a second!

And to end off with, here is a clip of random spastic dancing that Ava asked me to tape and post!


Ang said...

I think every blog should end with random spastic dancing!

I looked away from the puppies and I still want one.

I am glad to know you are still alive and Jolyn is still the weakest link!!!

Sheryl said...

There really isn't anything quite as fun as random spastic dancing. Unless it is making deal that leaves me on the tail end of a snake! I think NOT.

I'm glad you found a good pediatrition. That is always nice when you end up actually liking a doctor.

The puppies are cute, but I still only WANT one.

Steph Thompson said...

Good to make sure that you specify need or want!

Tilley/Booth said...

I don't even know if i am allowed to post comments anymore...I love you AVA!

Sheryl said...

Jo, of course you are allowed to post comments.


Anonymous said...

Ava those puppys look so cute! i wish i had a puppy! miss you tons!

love you

Denise said... you need to find a new job? This guy is an IDiot!

I feel for you with the snake thing. I am terrified of them!!

Ava comes up with some great ideas.

Sheryl said...

Ava do be a little thinker! That was an awesome trade...being brave about a shot for holding a snake. I probably would have let her off the hook with the shot.

Nate said...

I'm a little late to the conversation Steph, but is sounds like you have been crazy busy. I can't believe Beav is already going into kindergarten. It is so nice that you post those videos, because although we have only been gone for a few months; It's hard for me to picture Beav's sassiness!!! Love you...and good luck with the job!!!!

Steph Thompson said...

Beav's sassiness is never ending! Just remember her saying talk to the booty!

Grandmajoann said...

I cannot believe how tall Ava is getting. And how cute those three girls look together. What a fun time you are having. I have tried many times to make a comment and I finally got one through. I have been keeping up on all the blogs and it is nice to finally be able to comment. Keep them up.